10 Top Tips to Getting Organised

Getting organised doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are my top 10 tips that are easy to follow:
Before you start organising a space, get rid of things that you don’t need or don’t add value to your life. You will waste energy organising items that shouldn’t be in your space to begin with.
Become proactive by looking at why you are disorganised to begin with. There is little sense to creating systems if everyone else that shares your space thinks they can dump things everywhere!
Remember that part of getting organised is creating systems to keep it that way. Getting organised is not achieved by tidying up a space.
Label as much as you can because it really takes the guesswork out of where things should go. This is especially helpful when you delegate to someone else.
Don’t put things down – put them away.
If you struggle with day-to-day tasks, then create a routine for them. For example, if household admin is done every Monday morning, then you don’t have to waste energy reminding yourself to do it.
If you are a list-maker, don’t have loads of lists running at the same time. Consolidate your lists and your calendar to avoid duplications, double-bookings and confusion.
If you work with a lot of paperwork, try to keep it off your desk. Handy products are a wall-mounted document organiser and a wall-mounted pen organiser.
Become more creative when purchasing furniture and fittings. If you’re installing a kitchen, make sure you’ve thought of the spacing of the shelves and if you’re buying a coffee table, get one with a shelf beneath it to accommodate magazines.
Your ability to get and stay organised, is directly related to your inability to make decisions so become more decisive and STOP PROCRASTINATING.