End of Month Blues? 12 Top Notch Ways to Save Money

We’ve all been there - too much month at the end of the money! It’s easy to vow that this will not happen next month; that you will save money instead of spending it. Then, next month, the same old thing. It's time to put some top notch ways to save money into practice to make sure you save money, not just next month, but every month which you can then use to decrease debt or increase your savings.
Set a budget and stick to it
Some items can’t be negotiated - rent or your bond, transport costs and, if you have children, schooling. You can save money on food bills by sensible shopping (shop’s own grocery brand rather than big name brands) and spending on cards can be lowered. Work out what the necessities are each month, write them down and see how much is left over. Then track your expenses to see where what’s left over.
Track your expenses
Be meticulous. Track every single penny. Those coffees because you need a pick me up, or sandwiches bought at work because you woke up too late to make lunch, really add up over time. Once you know where the money goes, you can start to save it.
Implement the 30 day spending rule
Instead of buying something impulsively, transfer the money into your savings account and see if you still want the item after 30 days. If not, leave the money where it is, and that way it’ll boost your savings against that rainy day when buying something expensive can’t be put off any longer.
Save small change
If you still use cash for small purchases, save your coins. Literally. Empty out your purse or pocket every day and put the coins in a jar. If you really want to take this tip to the next level, then always be on the look out for dropped coins. People drop small change all the time. Pick it up and add it to your total.
Set up a standing order
To boost your savings, set up a standing order to transfer a set amount every week or month on payday. That way you won’t miss it. Or decide that you will transfer any money left over from last month’s pay once you’re paid again.
Learn to cook
By being able to prepare simple meals at home, you will both save the expense of dining out or eating takeaways, and have leftovers to vary your lunch menu during the week. One pot meals are often simple, nutritious and quick to make. This tip will require forward planning to be successful so spend some time before your week starts to outline meals and groceries needed.
Make your coffee before you leave home
Invest in a travel mug and make yourself a coffee before you leave home in the morning. You’ll save the cost of that daily trip to the coffee shop.
Give up the bad habits
Ration your alcohol intake or try to cut down on smoking. Not only will this do your health some good, but it will save you money. If you have a gym membership you’re not using, either go to the gym instead of the pub, or cancel the contract entirely.
Turn the aircon up one degree, unplug items when not in use
You probably won’t notice the difference that one degree more will make to the cool air you're craving during hot South African summers, but your bills will. Similarly, turn the heater down one degree to realise similar savings during the winter months.
Stay home instead of going out
Have a girls’ or guys’ night in instead of going out to restaurants, the movies or clubs. Even if you include the additional cost of a food delivery and alcohol, it will still work out cheaper than going out. You can watch a DVD or have a braai at home and you'll have just as much fun as if you were out on the town.
Check those subscriptions
Unless you use all the internet and music streaming services you pay for, save money by cancelling them. The same goes for magazines or any other subscriptions you may have. These are good things to have but life will continue without them.
Auction and marketplace websites are your friend. Do a bit of life admin and sell clothes you no longer wear or technology you no longer use. That will help you save money by earning it for you.Implementing even some of these options will set you on the road to saving money fast. Sticking to them for several months will show you how much you can save.