Quick Tips to Keep Allergies Away

Quick Tips to Keep Allergies Away - UCAN Blog
Quick Tips to Keep Allergies Away - UCAN Blog

If you or a member of your family suffers from allergies, these tips should help to keep allergies away in your home.

  • Keep the bedroom well ventilated to keep the humidity down.

  • Air beds daily and wash the bedding frequently at temperatures over 55 degrees. Placing the mattress in the sun regularly also helps to kill dust mites.

  • Vacuum and clean rooms and beds regularly. Consider purchasing a water-based machine – this way the dust goes into the water and doesn’t go back into the atmosphere/room if you don’t have a clean filter.

  • Place thick plastic with tape over the vents in the room, especially if the area directly outside the room is dusty.

  • Keep the room tidy, yet do not over dust or vacuum. Once or twice a week is fine.

  • Keep soft toys off the bed as much as possible. However, if one your kids simply cannot part with them, then placing them in a plastic bag and putting them in the freezer for over 12hours is said to kill the dust mites.

For those wanting a little more information about allergies, click here.