Quick Guide to Managing your Days

I am one of many busy people who need to be organised to function at my optimum so I wanted to share some tips with you that will help you manage your days.
Get a great planner to help organise your schedule.
If you’re a techno-junkie, try managing your days online with Google Calendar OR if you’re a techno-phobe, go with a diary. Even a basic notebook with lots of room to jot down notes will help you manage your time more efficiently.
Get your kids in on the act.
If you color-code your calendar, even your kids will know which schedule to follow. Try attach incentives for them to help you. Raising a responsible child is going to help keep you on track.
Get a great tool to organise your stuff.
This can be a filo-fax, a concertina file or a labeled container that you have on hand. Just make sure it works for you and keep it accessible.
Set up a filing system and keep your papers in order.
If pretty files float your boat then make them pretty but the trick is to really use them; one for business things and another for household paperwork. Keeping your paperwork organised can make a big difference to family life. There is nothing worse for anxiety levels than constantly losing school notices and accounts.
Make a to-do list.
I find that writing down what I have to do each day is keeping me from getting distracted and managing my days so if you’re jumping from one thing to another, this is highly recommended.
Cut out the clutter.
One of the biggest obstacles to overcome when organising is cutting back on clutter. If you don’t use it, love it or need it then it’s time it got tossed.
Try a timer.
Multi-tasking doesn’t always work when it comes to keeping yourself organised. Sometimes, you need to be able to focus on a single task in order to really get it out of the way. Using a timer can help. It’s amazing how much you can get done if you’re trying to beat the clock!