6 Productivity Tips for your Office

You probably do try to set aside some time in your day to plan but still find it hard to be as productive as you need to be in the office. That is the nature of our busy lives. You can change things a little to create an office environment that is more productive and enjoyable.
An office, however large or small, has to be driven by efficiency and productivity that shows tangible results. Less productivity and lower efficiency levels are bound to affect the office and jeopardise its sustainability and survival.
Set clear goals and provide feedback
If staff know what is expected of them their productivity will be enhanced. Clearly stated goals or KPIs and knowing the company’s vision provides guidelines. Short-term goals in particular are effective in enhancing productivity as it also helps in meeting targets quickly.
Get rid of motivation killers
If at all possible, identify motivation killers in the office. Motivation killers include toxic people, abrasive personalities, lack of organisational vision as well as feeling of lack of appreciation.
Motivate through rewards
Rewarding staff with certificates, rankings, challenges, and other elements can make tasks more engaging. Brainstorm ideas with employees that will motivate them – a pedi or a day off may do the trick.
Use technology responsibly
There are many technologies that significantly increase productivity in the office and this is not just about hardware. It is also important to study and utilize different software solutions that can improve productivity. Remember though, that if staff continuously access their ‘technology’ for social reasons, then productivity will be affected. Having a policy in place for the use of technology in the office is vital to manage potential problems.
Set standards and provide skills development
It is important to set standards for employees in the office which will guide them to remain productive. If employees require skills development in order to achieve what is required of them it would advisable to provide the training they require. An employee cannot be productive if they don’t know what they are doing and how to do it!
Communicate effectively and efficiently
Communication without a doubt is a crucial aspect of business operations. Without an effective system of communication in place, a business will have difficulty in achieving goals and functioning productively. Hold regular office meetings, strategic planning sessions and whatever else may be required to create an office environment that works seamlessly.
Maintaining and enhancing productivity in the workplace is not always easy to accomplish yet it is possible.
Want to read more about Office Organisation? Read our 10 Top Tips to Organise your Office Life.