Tips to Reduce Stress and Make ‘fun’ Time

Here are a few top tips to reduce stress levels by getting organised at home and in the office. Once implemented, you should have lots more time to enjoy yourself.
Home & Life
Family communication
To prevent clashes in schedules and missing important events, set up a message system that your family can adopt.
This can either be in the form of a magnetic board on the fridge, or clipboards for each member of the family in the home office – whatever works for your family.
Whilst it may seem very unfeeling to communicate through a message board, it may save you the stress of finding out, at 8 pm that you have to supply goodies for cake & candy the next day.
Make tasks part of your routine – don’t let them pile up
If you procrastinate you will soon have a huge pile of tasks awaiting your attention. So wave your magic wand daily and the pile won’t be insurmountable.
File regularly, do the laundry more often or weed the garden whenever you can. Do this for a week or so and soon, it will be routine and ‘piles’ will be banished leaving you with time to enjoy yourself.
Organise your paperwork CHECKLIST:
Sort through the paper pile and discard any that are old, outdated or no longer relevant.
The ‘archive’ papers shouldn’t just be dumped in a box either. Label these very carefully and if you have large amounts of paper requiring archiving, get this scanned and converted to electronic format.
All paper that needs action, divide into piles – accounts to pay, letters to mail or respond to, paper to file.
The ‘action’ papers need to be further divided into categories – credit card receipts, insurance documents, bank statements.
Now these need to be filed either into individual ring binders or filing cabinet and you can colour code if you prefer but it needs to be labeled. (Remember, if a two-year-old can find it, then you should be able to.)
Thereafter, you need to MAINTAIN otherwise it just falls apart again.
Electronic filing is also essential. You get hundreds of emails a week so create folders that you can move mails to, e.g. ACTION, CURRENT, MEETING. Name your folders logically so that you don’t waste time searching for items.
To keep your workspace decluttered and organised, spend 5 minutes straightening everything up at the end of your day. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You just want to ensure that you can be as productive as possible from the start.