Top Tips to Get your Desk Organised

Have you ever tried to find an important document while drowning in a sea of paperwork, sticky notes, desk calendars and charging cables? Organising and tidying your desk can be a daunting task that may leave you thinking that you really need to create a more organised workstation.
At UCAN, we are firm believers that creating a smart working environment makes you happier to be there. Read more about some desk tips that will help you create the perfect workspace.
Be clear about what your everyday work needs are.
To create the space that will allow you to perform at your best, first you must define what you want from your workspace, and whether it currently meets your everyday needs.
Create zones with storage solutions.
Storage equals simplicity which will help you divide your desk into zones. Looking for a specific item should be effortless if everything has been allocated a space. Allocate specific drawers or containers for specific items. Try not to mix supplies with documents.
Keep only what you need at arm’s length.
Not everything has to be front and centre for ‘in case you need it'. Keep only the items you need in sight. Everything else should be neatly packed in its dedicated zone. Getting rid of visual clutter will have a positive impact on your work. Use wall pockets to divide work documents so that your desktop is not cluttered.
Use jacket hooks to hang personal items.
Handbags, lunch bags, jackets & laptop bags do not belong on the desktop. With all the handles laying around on your desk, you’re one wrong hand movement away from a coffee spill. Consider adding hooks to the sides of your table and get into the habit of hanging all personal items every day.
Rolling cart for maximum storage.
A trolley is one of the simplest ways to maximise your storage. The trolley sits under your desk, keeping if far away from eye view. You can use the cart to store anything. Use the main compartments to create zones that store different supplies or dedicate the storage compartment to a specific duty such as creating a filing system.
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Read more from these useful sources:
30+ Awe-Inspiring Ikea Desk Hacks that are Affordable and Easy ( The Ultimate Productivity Hack: Smart Desks for Modern Professionals | LinkedIn
8 Desk Hacks That Will Make Your Work Life Better | The Muse
Ten Tricks To De-Clutter Your Office (
10 Super Standing Desk Hacks for an Ergonomic Look (