Organising your Recipes

Organising your recipes will allow you to find them easily and therefore enjoy cooking those much-loved meals. Organise. Sort. Kitchen organisers. Kitchen cupboards. UCAN tips. Read our blog
Organising your recipes will allow you to find them easily and therefore enjoy cooking those much-loved meals. Organise. Sort. Kitchen organisers. Kitchen cupboards. UCAN tips. Read our blog

Organising your recipes may not be the first thing on your mind when it comes to organising, but it really should be one of those things you do organise. Organising your recipes is important because it will allow you to find them easily and that will mean that you get to cook the things that you want whenever you want them. Nothing is more frustrating than reaching for your favourite Christmas biscuit recipe and having it not be where you left it last year. A lot of recipes have sentimental value, or have been passed down through generations so taking good care of those and making sure that they are neatly organised is important.

There are many different ways to organise your recipes, not every way will work for everyone so finding something that works for you is vital.


First of all you might try keeping them separated in a box, maybe with little tabs to separate the recipes by meal or by holiday. Whichever way will make the most sense to you is the way that you should do it. You can also opt to separate them by the type of food that it is. You can put them into categories according to your favourite foods, or different countries the food comes from, or even the different types of desserts that you might have.

Another way to organise your recipes is to put them in a photo album or in a ring binder so that they are all in the same place and you can easily flip through them. This also has the added benefit of protecting your recipes from food. We all know that cooking can get messy, so keeping your recipes protected in plastic will make sure that they last as long as possible.

The final option for organising your recipes is to type them up and print them out and put them in clear sheet protectors. Then you can do whatever you want with them, even tape them inside of your cabinets. You can also put these protected sheets into a filing system where you can access them whenever you want or even make copies of them to give to all of your friends or family. It makes a great gift and one that people can treasure forever.

So next time you overlook your recipes, think twice and remember how much less stressful your life can be when you know that your recipes are safe.