10 Easy Steps to Organised Paperwork
Did you know that organising paper requires more than just making neat piles? We all would probably say yes to that question however we often choose to see a neat pile of paper as an organised one. Here are 10 easy steps you can follow to easily organise your paperwork.
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10 Useful Outdoor Gardening Tips for Beginners
Many people believe that gardening is something only those with proven ‘green fingers’ should undertake. Personally, I think everyone should make a go of gardening because it is so rewarding, not to mention the fact that it gets you active and outside. But outdoor gardening should not be an intimidating hobby even for beginners as there really is no exact...
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How to Organise Medications at Home
Most households have four categories for medications at home. These are ointments and creams, tummy meds, wound care and colds and flu meds. Here’s a quick guide to organising your medications at home.
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Mаkеuр Stоrаgе: Tips Fоr A Pеrfесtlу Organised Cоllесtiоn
Whilst I don’t use makeup all the time, many people do, so I understand that it’s important to keep it organised and accessible. Sоmе people hаvе a lоt оf mаkеuр but because of how it is organised and stored, thеу seldom use it all. When уоu kеер your collection оrgаnisеd, you аrе gоing tо find whаt уоu are lооking fоr...
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5 Tips to Organise your Fridge
It’s really not difficult to organise your fridge and keep it that way. So often, we land up buying (or wasting) food because we don’t even know we have it or it gets spoilt because the fridge isn’t clean. Here are 5 quick tips from UCAN to help you get started.
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10 Smart Ways to Save Money for your Wedding
Weddings should be a reflection of the couple’s personalities as well as a celebration of their commitment to one another. But with the average cost for a wedding in South Africa being upwards of R250 000, it’s no surprise that people tend to get a little nervous when starting to plan. However, you don’t need to spend a fortune to...
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6 Storage Tips & Ideas for Toys
If your kids already seem to hаvе mоrе toys and ‘ѕtuff’ than уоur home саn ассоmmоdаtе, уоu’re probably getting to the point of wondering where on earth you’re going to put it all, right? Here аrе some amazingly сrеаtіvе, vеrу efficient аnd rаthеr clever ideas fоr fіndіng ѕtоrаgе fоr toys and all the bits and pieces уоur lіttlе оnеѕ do...
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Storing for the Long-haul?
Sometimes hiring a storage unit is a long-standing commitment. You know your items are going to be staying there for a while so rather than stacking them up and forgetting about them, spend time and effort packing your things so that they survive the long haul. Furniture, whilst usually strong, does need special care when storing.
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