5 Ways To Organise Your Home To Prevent Allergy Attacks
The cost of allergies to the South African economy is more than R606-million a year, with more than 1.8 million children affected by asthma and even more affected by seasonal allergies. When it comes to your home, it’s important to employ organisational techniques that promote health and well-being, especially when it comes to the cleanliness of the spaces you live in. However,...
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10 Must-haves for your Craft Room
Almost every home has a room where all the unwanted items that have never been organised, are stored. This room is not only a dump room but probably also a rubbish room! When you’ve got a room like this in your home, it is probably incredibly crowded and messy because everyone in the home continuously dumps and never organises. However,...
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Top 10 Tips for Traveling with Pets
Traveling with pets can be very scary for pet owners. Not only do they worry about how their pets will act, but they also worry about the safety of their pets. When traveling with your pets there are many things to organise and several steps to take in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong on the way to your...
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5 Tips to Organise your Fridge
It’s really not difficult to organise your fridge and keep it that way. So often, we land up buying (or wasting) food because we don’t even know we have it or it gets spoilt because the fridge isn’t clean. Here are 5 quick tips from UCAN to help you get started.
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10 Smart Ways to Save Money for your Wedding
Weddings should be a reflection of the couple’s personalities as well as a celebration of their commitment to one another. But with the average cost for a wedding in South Africa being upwards of R250 000, it’s no surprise that people tend to get a little nervous when starting to plan. However, you don’t need to spend a fortune to...
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6 Storage Tips & Ideas for Toys
If your kids already seem to hаvе mоrе toys and ‘ѕtuff’ than уоur home саn ассоmmоdаtе, уоu’re probably getting to the point of wondering where on earth you’re going to put it all, right? Here аrе some amazingly сrеаtіvе, vеrу efficient аnd rаthеr clever ideas fоr fіndіng ѕtоrаgе fоr toys and all the bits and pieces уоur lіttlе оnеѕ do...
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Storing for the Long-haul?
Sometimes hiring a storage unit is a long-standing commitment. You know your items are going to be staying there for a while so rather than stacking them up and forgetting about them, spend time and effort packing your things so that they survive the long haul. Furniture, whilst usually strong, does need special care when storing.
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Be Organised and Prepared for the Gym
As with reaching any other goal in life, good preparation is required if you are to make going to the gym and exercising a successful part of your life. If you enjoy an active lifestyle but have never gone to the gym before, or are battling to keep up your routine, these tips should get you organised, prepared and hopefully motivated, for the gym.
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5 Tips to Organise your Nursery before your Baby's Arrival
Despite being a bundle of joy on arrival, your little boy or girl is a massive responsibility and need to be well catered for. One of the most important things to tend to is the living area of the baby or ‘nursery’ as it is popularly called. This will ensure your baby gets the rest it requires and the space...
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Top 6 Tips for Garage Organisation
Has уоur gаrаgе bесоmе a glоrіfіеd storage area, littered wіth boxes, tооlѕ, аnd tоуѕ? The оnlу wау to reclaim іt for іtѕ intended use іѕ tо tаkе tіmе out tо сlеаn, dесluttеr аnd оrgаnіsе your gаrаgе. Orgаnіsіng уоur garage іѕ not a dіffісult tаѕk; іt just takes a рlаn, ѕоmе time, and thе dеѕіrе tо gеt thе jоb dоnе. Hеrе...
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